
La Virgen Reinvented: Political Activism, 身份, 和 Transnational Uses of an Icon

"La Virgen de Guadalupe is a complex figure in religion 和 history. She is considered to be the Mexican iteration of the Virgin Mary, known by many names in both Spanish 和 English. Her image is one that is well-known, particularly in Catholic Mexican communities as well as 墨西哥裔美国人 和 奇卡诺人(一) communities. Since Her initial appearance in 1531, Her image has undergone changes, largely throughout the 1960s to the present day. She has become significant 和 changed in significant ways for Mexican, 墨西哥裔美国人, 奇卡诺人(一), 和 Catholic communities within religious contexts 和 outside of religious contexts too. This sparked a great deal of interest in how exactly the image of La Virgen changed over time 和 across the Mexico-United States border as well.

In order to gain a sharpened underst和ing of the differences in images, interpretations 和 uses of La Virgen de Guadalupe in Mexico, it was crucial to go 和 observe the many presentations of Her image in Mexico, 特别是墨西哥城. Her original image is present in La Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe along with other traditionally Catholic renditions. Museums display Her image of course but She can also be found on t-shirts, 珠宝, 壁画, 和 other less traditional forms of art. These observations while in Mexico City provided unique insights regarding how people in Mexico interact with her image in a social, 文化, 政治, 和 religious way in daily life rather than as some sort of unique phenomenon. The information gained from this exploration of La Virgen de Guadalupe’s image in Mexico City, 她的出生地, resulted in an enriched underst和ing 和 enhanced perspective of how La Virgen plays a role in Mexican, 墨西哥裔美国人 or 奇卡诺人(一) 和 Catholic communities 和 how Her role has changed drastically over the past sixty years."